The Green Behind the Gold
After all the rain we have received there has been no better time to see the Gold Coast hinterland “the green behind the gold”. Mount Tamborine and its’ surrounding area includes seven national parks. The many national parks feature subtropical flora, waterfalls, wildlife, especially birds, picnic facilities and many bushwalks. Isn’t it time you got to see your backyard?

Hot in the City?
Hot in the city tonight? It’s not about to cool down anytime soon according to the latest climate change reports! Luckily, Mount Tamborine towers 560 meters above the hinterland and ensures that the summers on the mountain are refreshingly cool, you may even get some light frosts in the winter. To escape the heat this summer, take a short drive (only 62km from Brisbane) and refresh!

Love Watersports?
Attention all water sports lovers! Construction on Wyaralong Dam, expected to be completed by 2011, has begun and will be the third Dam of the Gold Coast Hinterland region, accompanying Lake Moogerah and Lake Maroon. So pack up the gear, service the boat and get on out to Mount Tamborine and surrounds and have a REAL weekend!