Thunderbird Park
Address: Cnr Cedar Creek Falls Road, Tamborine Mountain QLD 4272
Phoneā€¯ 07 5545 1468
Thunderbird Park is an amazing wildlife and geological rich oasis stretching over 112 hectares on Tamborine Mountain. Things to do include thunder egg fossicking, horse riding, pony rides, adventure mini golf, bird feeding, bush walking.
Glow Worm Caves
Address: Cedar Creek Estate, 104-144 Hartley Rd, Tamborine Mountain QLD 4272
Phone: (07) 5545 1666
Glow Worm Tours last 30 minutes and rain daily every half hour.
Tamborine Rainforest Skywalk
Address: 333 Geissmann Dr, Mt Tamborine QLD 4272
Phone: (07) 5545 2222
Explore the beautiful rainforest canopies in privately owned rainforest. There is also an Eco Gallery and Birdwing Cafe.